Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Great American Alsatian

This dog is, I think, one of the greatest ever.
They were bred specifically for companionship (if you ask them to work, they will be awkward) and to look like the Dire Wolf, which I believe, but am not certain of this, are extinct.
They do not bark much, chase cars, bite kids, jump around like maniacs, roam, or (usually) initiate play unless you do.
I would enjoy having one, and yes, I believe that every kid should have a dog, not specifically this bred, any would do - except a pit bull!
I'm sorry if you like pit bulls, and are offended by this. I do not like pit bulls, and anyone with a pit bull and kids is insane.
Other good dog breeds are the Golden Retriever, the Labrador Retriever, the Beagle.
Here are some pictures of the the American Alsatian.
If you want one, go for it only if you aren't living with your parents, otherwise, consult them first.
And, no, I don't know who the people are.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Recently my sister Hannah (who is the author of American Kate!) has been receiving e-mails from colleges, and some of them are from rather nice ones, like William Jewell College, and I think she'd do very well there. Hannah has what it takes to get into the very best colleges.
I used to think I wouldn't go, and though you can make a living without college, you should still go.
I will be going to college, and I might be going to TCU. (Texas Christian University.)
My family are Christians, so we would like to go to a Christian college as they won't give us trash about Evolution. (There is no proof whatsoever that Evolution is true.)
Sorry for the term, but that's exactly what it is, and I will not apologize for my opinions.
As it is, I think that I will wait a little longer then Hannah did to do all the SAT and GED stuff.
I really couldn't care less either way.
I'm not sorry if this post angers, upsets, or in any way disagrees with your world view.
~ C.R.